The length of lectures (oral presentations) will be 15 min. + 5 min.
A slide projector, an overhead projector, a data projector and a video will be available
in the conference rooms. If you intend to use a video projection, please let us know by
mail in advance.
If you are going to use a data projector, please bring a CD with your
presentation with you; the presentation should be either in MS PowerPoint format
(preferably) or as a set of html files. There will be no possibility of projecting
directly from your own computer.
If you use slides or data projection, please give the organizers your
presentation at least at the beginning of the last break before your talk is scheduled. If
you have your presentation on the first day in the morning, please leave us the
presentation already at the registration.
The size of the poster boards will be 80 (width) x 100 cm. Pins and
tapes to mount the posters will be available. The authors of posters will have possibility
of presenting their posters during poster sessions.
Book of abstracts will be available for downloading on this conference
website on the 5th September at the latest. Each participant will be
given a printed version at the registration.
Conference proceedings