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Bohemian Switzerland National Park


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Lectures, posters and abstracts

First circular
for print

Second circular for print


Sandstone Landscapes: Diversity, Ecology and Conservation

14 - 20 September, 2002
Doubice in Saxonian-Bohemian Switzerland, Czech Republic


Programme and presentations
Programme also as PDF
The presentations available in electronic form are in blue.
(* means: speaker presenting the talk)
Saturday, 14 September
14,00 - 20,00 Registration
19,00 Dinner
Sunday, 15 September
7,30 - 8,30 Breakfast
8,30 - 18,00 Pre-conference excursion to the Saxonian Switzerland National Park: Lead by Peter A. Schmidt & Holm Riebe
19,00 Dinner
Monday, 16 September
8,00 - 9,00 Breakfast
8,00 - 9,00 Late registration
9,00 - 9,15 Opening
Morning session I: Geodiversity: Chair: Radek Mikuláš
9,20 - 9,50 Jiří Adamovič: Origin of sandstone bodies in the Bohemian Cretaceous basin
9,50 - 10,10 Václav Cílek: The relief formation of sandstone castellated areas of the Czech Republic
10,10 - 10,30 Jiří Zvelebil*, Martin Paluš, Dana Novotná: Nonlinear science - a new tool for study of risky geodynamical processes: an example of rockfalls from sandstone rock walls
10,30 - 11,00 Coffee break
Morning session II: Geodiversity: Chair: Elmar Csaplovics
11,00 - 11,30 Piotr Migoń: The role of large-scale slope failures in sandstone landscape evolution
11,30 - 11,50 Radek Mikuláš: Relief and its memory: minute forms in sandstone surfaces
11,50 - 12,10 Cezary Kabała: The sequence of polygenetic soils developed of sandstone and marl in the Stolowe Mountains, Poland
12,10 - 12,30 Radek Mikuláš: Sandstone modellation across climatic zones and lithofacies: the concept of porocarst
12,30 - 14,00 Lunch
Afternoon session I: Sandstone Landscapes: Chair: Václav Cílek
14,00 - 14,30 Elmar Csaplovics: Digital terrain models of sandstone rock landscapes in the National Park "Sächsische Schweiz" for supporting conservation and ecological monitoring
14,30 - 14,50 Martin Neruda: Quantitative hydrological model of the Ploučnice catchment using neural networks
14,50 - 15,30 Frank Richter: Elbsandsteingebirge - Künstler entdecken die Landschaft (The Elbe Sandstones - painters discover landscape; with English translation).
15,30 - 17,00 Coffee break & poster session
Afternoon session II: Sandstone landscapes: Chair: Piotr Migoń
17,00 - 17,30 Yves Krippel: The "Petite Suisse" sandstone area in Luxembourg, a region of outstanding biodiversity
17,30 - 18,00 Dirk Wessels*, Rolf Wessels & Leslie Wessels: An overview of cardinal aspects of South Africa's sandstone regions
18,00 - 18,20 Zbigniew Golab: Nature of the Stolowe Mountains
18,20 - 18,40 Richard G. Bromley & Radek Mikuláš*: Sandstone Phenomenon of the East Greenland
19,00 Welcome dinner
Tuesday, 17 September
8,00 - 9,00 Breakfast
Morning session I: Biodiversity - Flora and vegetation: Chair: Johannes C. Vogel
9,00 - 9,30 Krzysztof Świerkosz: Geobotanical analysis of the Stołowe Mts. (Poland, the Sudetes Mts.)
9,30 - 9,50 Handrij Härtel: Flora and vegetation of the Elbe Sandstones: a comparison with other sandstone regions of the Bohemian Cretaceous basin
9,50 - 10,10 Frank Müller: Distribution patterns and conservation status of endangered bryophytes in Saxonian Switzerland
10,10 - 10,30 Marek Krukowski: (the title will be specified)
10,30 - 11,00

Coffee break

Morning session II: Biodiversity - Flora and vegetation: Chair: Jan Čeřovský
11,00 - 11,30 Frederick J. Rumsey, Johannes C. Vogel*, Stephen J. Russell, John A. Barett & Mary Gibby: Climate, colonisation and celibacy: Phylogeography and population structure in Trichomanes speciosum (Pteridophyta)
11,30 - 12,00 Tomáš Herben: Denudation/accumulation dynamics and vegetation patterns in sandstone regions
12,00 - 12,30 Věra Hadincová*, Jana Simonová, Iva Köhnleinová: Invasive behaviour of Pinus strobus in sandstone areas in the Czech Republic
12,30 - 14,00 Lunch
Afternoon session I: Biodiversity - Fauna: Chair: Ivan Horáček
14,00 - 14,30 Rüdiger Krause: On some beetle species of Carpatian - Sudetic distribution in Saxony (with special reference to Saxon Switzerland)
14,30 - 14,50 Václav Pižl: Earthworms (Lumbricidae) distribution in Bohemian Switzerland - present state of knowledge
14,50 - 15,10 Karel Tajovský: Terrestrial arthropods (Oniscidea, Diplopoda, Chilopoda) of the sandstone and adjacent habitats in Bohemian Switzerland National Park
15,10 - 15,30 Vlastimil Růžička: Spiders on sandstone rocks in České Švýcarsko National Park
15,30 - 17,30 Coffee break & poster session
17,00 - 18,00 Workshop: Sandstone landscapes: a challenge for interdisciplinarity ? (organized by Tomáš Herben & Václav Cílek)
18,30 Concert: Štěpán Rak, guitar (in the church near the hotel)
19,45 Dinner
Wednesday, 18 September
8,00 - 9,00 Breakfast
9,00 - 17,00 Mid-conference excursion to the Bohemian Switzerland National Park: Lead by Václav Cílek, Handrij Härtel et al.
19,00 Conference dinner
Thursday, 19 September
Morning session I: Paleoecology: Chair: Tomáš Herben
9,00 - 9,30 Vojen Ložek: Environmental history of sandstone areas in the light of changes in molluscan fauna
9,30 - 10,00 Ivan Horáček: Postglacial development of the mammalian fauna in the N-Bohemian sandstone regions
10,00 - 10,30 Petr Kuneš* & Vlasta Jankovská: Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation in a landscape with strong geomorphological gradients
10,30 - 11,00 Coffee break
Morning session II: Nature conservation: Chair: Vlastimil Růžička
11,00 - 11,30 Jan Čeřovský: Sandstone Switzerlands - a short review of the historical development of sandstone area protection in Europe
11,30 - 12,00 Jürgen Phoenix & Petr Bauer: Lebensband Elbe - grenzenlose Vielfalt (The lifeline Elbe - diversity without frontiers; with English translation)
12,00 - 12,30 D.A.Robinson and R.B.G.Williams*: Erosion of Wealden sandstone outcrops by visitors
12,30 - 14,00


14,00 - 14,45 Conclusion & conference closing
Departure / Post-conference tour begins
List of posters (the posters are listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author)

Volker Beer:

The microclimatic conditions in a part of Saxon Switzerland and its influence of vegetation. An example in the region of "Grosser Zschand"
Stephen Howard: Sandstone landscapes in Ghana
Ivana Hladíková & Tomáš Herben: Matter transport and its influence on the sandstone vegetation
Stefan Jeßen: Neue Farne der Böhmisch-Sächsischen Schweiz
Jana Kailová et al.: Sandstone landscapes in the Broumovsko Protected Landscape Area, Czech Republic
Miloš Knížek & Miloš Trýzna: Bark beetles on white pine in Bohemian Switzerland National Park
Lenka Kopřivová: The effect of burial by sand on vegetation of sandstone regions
Janusz Korybo: Weisstannen im Nationalpark von Góry Stołowe
Yves Krippel: The Pteridophytes of the 'Petite Suisse' area in Luxembourg. Diversity, surveys and conservation
Ariana Kulhánková, Ondřej Koukol & Jan Mourek: Decomposition of litter in Pinus sylvestris and Pinus strobus forests in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park
Petr Kuna: Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in sandstones of the Broumovsko Protected Landscape Area, Czech Republic
Agnieszka Latocha & Grzegorz Synowiec: Comparison of the sandstone landscapes of the Stolowe and Bystrzyckie Mountains, Sudetes, SW Poland
Piotr Migoń, Slawek Tulaczyk & Grzegorz Rozpendowski: Sandstone landscapes in the NW part of the Intrasudetic Depression, Sudetes Mountains
Zdeněk Palice, Štěpánka Bayerová, Ondřej Peksa, David Svoboda & Lenka Voříšková: The lichen flora of the National Park České Švýcarsko
Zdeněk Patzelt: Ground water hydrochemical composition dependence on hydrogeological position in Bohemian Switzerland National Park
Richard Přikryl, Jiřina Svobodová & Petr Siegl: Dimension stones from the "sandstone" areas in the Czech Republic
Holm Riebe: Wiedereinsiedlung von Wanderfalke und Luchs in der Sächsischen Schweiz (Reintroduction of Falco peregrinus and Salmo salar in the Saxonian Switzerland; in German)
Petr Sklenář: Temperature inversion in the sandstone valley of the Křinice river (Bohemian Switzerland National Park, CZ): results of winter ecological measurements.
Lenka Šoltysová:

The rock cities of Český Ráj

František Soukup, Vítězslava Pešková, Lenka Voříšková: Meloderma desmazieressii is destroying the white pine (Pinus strobus) stands in the České Švýcarsko National Park
Jana Soukupová & David Hradil: Salt weathering of Cretaceous sandstones in acidified areas: predictions and reality
Krzysztof Świerkosz: The Ishalo - the gem of Madagascar
Tomáš Tichý & Marcela Mácová: Dendroclimatic comparison of invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris growing in the Czech Republic on ecological and geographical gradient
Iveta Timze: Sandstone protection in the Gauja National Park
Dana Turoňová: The Killarney Fern (Trichomanes speciosum) in sandstone regions of the Czech Republic
Zuzana Vařilová: Ferruginization in sandstones of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park, Czech Republic
Zuzana Vařilová: Geomorphology of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park, Czech Republic
Bryophyte diversity of České Švýcarsko (Bohemian Switzerland) National Park
R. B. G. Williams & D. A. Robinson: The geomorphology of sandstone cliffs in Southeast England
Jiří Zvelebil: Nature-friendly management of rock fall danger: 22 years of safety monitoring on sandstone rockslopes in Labe canyon


Accommodation on 19/20th of September will be possible, if needed

As the registration for excursions in the first circular was only preliminary, please fill in the confirmation of participation. We cannot arrange participation at the excursions for those who register later than 19th August 2002.